Where the Alps meet the Mediterranean

Alpi Ledrensi and Judicaria

Where the Alps meet the Mediterranean

The nature reserves of the Alpi Ledrensi cover an area stretching from the north of Lake Garda across to Lake Idro and Lake Tenno, with Lake Ledro at its centre. To the north is the Adamello Brenta Natural Park and to the south is the Alto Garda Bresciano park, on the western shore of Lake Garda. The protected areas of the Alpi Ledrensi, combined with its position between the two larger parks, allows many wild animals to flourish and roam freely, including deer, goats and brown bears.

From the shores of Lake Garda at 95 m above sea level to the top of Monte Cadria at 2,254m, the highest point in the Alpi Ledrensi range, this is an area with a great diversity of climates and microclimates. Diverse ecosystems and environments which provide a habitat for a wide array of animals and plants. Wetlands, moors and Alpine meadows, mountain pine groves, large woodlands make up a hugely diverse landscape with few human settlements in this unique and diverse wilderness. All of which has been recognised with the prestigious UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status.


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